Project Manager - One of the most generic described roles at this time.
We acknowledge that like any profession, there are many different types and functions of project management.
There are project managers who are PMBOK (PMI), Prince2 or Agile methods based - who apply one or more of these methods to all sorts of projects.
There are also system PMs who practice systems engineering methods.
Project Plans & Documentation
No matter how big or small and how complex or simple your project is, we can help provide you with Project Plans, Documentation and Templates to suit.
We understand that documentation costs you time and money, therefore we need to be very considerate of the scaling and size of the documentation load.
Our documentation and processes are custom developed proportionate to the project requirements, risk, scale and Customer requirements.
Project Support & Assistance
We prefer to assist you in running your own projects. Our belief is to teach people to fish so that they can fish when they need. If an outsider runs your project, most of the project knowledge (the little but important things) will be lost.
We want to help you build your capability, help you retain knowledge and learnings and feel successful when your project is completed bringing great satisfaction to all involved. Quantum Flow will help you every step of the way.
If you want us to manage your project, we are happy too.
We will share information and be open and honest. We will not hide cost or progress (or lack off) and will try to involve people from all levels of your business to be involved.
We promote a positive view of the changes that the project will bring, make a handover to operations and maintenance people easier and help identify issues that are on a local knowledge level for early treatment.
We are here to help you.